
Innovative technology


Choice and substantiation of the best places for conducting engineering surveys in construction of engineering objects and monitoring their further safe operation.

Theoretical fundamentals of technology -
space radar differential interferometry

Complete solution for the tasks of mine-surveyor-geodesic monitoring industrial facilities , deposits and transport pipelines with using modern satellite methods.
        Scheme for space imagery interferometry pairs of images

Data sources:
- radar and multispectral space survey;
- aviation laser scanning;
- a priori geological and engineering information

Examples of the impact of natural hazards on engineering objects


ahead-of-field engineering surveys choice of place for construction sites and routes of roads and pipelines, the most favorable in terms of minimizing the impact on the projected industrial objects, natural hazards (earthquakes, tectonic breaks, kripp, karst, landslides etc) and technogenic-initiated (subsidence of a terrestrial surface in relation to mining);

When monitoring the existing utility facilities (hydroelectric dams, bridges, hydrocarbon deposits, pipelines etc) – identification of the places most affected by hazardous natural processes and phenomena to develop solutions to eliminate or minimize such impacts.